Bedava 5 TB Depolama Alanı - Free 5TB Cloud Storage

5 TB Depolama - Free 5TB Cloud Storage

ShareThe Collaboration helps group of users to access to specific files. In fact you share your files with a selected group of people (e.g.Friends,Classmates,Colleagues), for whom you can set the accessibility level (e.g.Read, Write,Delete, Move)of the files.

TrashSince files are main components in Trainbit, you can use this feature to restore files that are deleted by you or other users mistakenly within a month.

StatisticsYou may need to know who and how many times downloaded your files. Statistics center helps you get statistical information about files’ traffic and their visitors’ geographical status. Statistics center helps you get statistical information about files’ traffic and their visitors’ geographical status.

Upload anywayIt lets you upload files via web browser, URL and E_mail service without thinking about your Internet service conditions (e.g. traffic, speed).

EventsThe Events monitors all activities (e.g.File modifications,Point logs,Friends` activities) on your account and files that are related to you.

PrivacyIt helps you to make your files private and allow other users in collaboration with you to access those files. It also provides protection by setting password on the files.

SubscriptionThis feature lets visitors subscribe to specified folder by you, in order to get notification about upload or overwrite in the folder via E_mail.

Convertible PlansWe categorized plans for different users (e.g. Personal, Team, Webmaster). This feature helps users to change their plans (Upgrade, Downgrade) without loosing their remaining credits.

Keep your files in a placeThis feature lets you keep your files in a safe and secure area, and manage them easily (e.g. Move ,Overwrite ,Preview, Share).

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